SMS Marketing USA: Your 2024 Guide to Texting in the US

September 10, 2024 | By Sam Pelton
cartoon representation of a US flag, text message bubbles, and dollar signs

Welcome to “SMS Marketing: USA Edition.”

Because in the USA, SMS reigns supreme.

While many other countries rely on chat apps such as WhatsApp and WeChat, SMS is still the messaging option of choice for most Americans.

Therefore, if you want to reach American customers and prospects, one of your best options is to take up SMS marketing.

And that’s true whether your own business is located in the United States or in Europe or in Asia—or anywhere else.

But navigating the world of SMS marketing in the USA can be daunting.

Where do you start? What SMS marketing solutions for the USA are available? What regulations must you follow?

In this guide, you’ll discover the answers to these questions and more as we get into what you need to know about SMS marketing in the USA.

Top SMS Marketing USA Solutions

First let’s go over some of the SMS marketing solutions that are available to you for sending messages to people within the United States.

Some factors you’ll want to keep in mind:

  • These services can send messages to people within the United States, but they may not all be able to send messages outside of the United States. So if you’re wanting to send messages to people both within the USA and without the USA, you’ll want to make sure you select a solution that allows you to do that.
  • If a solution offers international messaging, their listed pricing often just shows messages to the United States. Their pricing for sending to other countries may be different, so remember that when you’re planning your budget.
  • Prices are usually listed in USD, so if you use another currency you’ll want to make sure you adjust accordingly (this is especially important to know if your currency is CAD, because the US dollar and the Canadian dollar both use the same symbol).

Most, if not all, major SMS marketing platforms contain basic features, such as:

  • Mass messaging capabilities—the ability to send text messages to large numbers of people in the United States
  • Contact management options—the ability to store and manage a database of United States contacts that you can send SMS to according to whatever needs you have
  • Contact opt-in solutions—the ability for contacts in the United States to opt in to receive your text messages, through various means (the most common being texting in a keyword, importing a spreadsheet from an existing list, and signing up via an online form)
  • Message reporting—the ability to view reports based on your messaging activity and see how your messages performed according to various metrics, such as delivery rates and link clicks

Below are some solutions you could look into—all headquartered in the USA.

1. Mobile Text Alerts

Screenshot of dashboard

Our platform Mobile Text Alerts is an international SMS solution that allows you to engage in SMS marketing in the USA and beyond.

Mobile Text Alerts is a subscription-based platform and SMS API that you can use on a monthly or annual basis. (Choosing an annual subscription will give you a discount.)

Your subscription gives you access to a fully functional online platform, which allows you to manage a database of contacts and send them mass or individual messages.

If you have developer resources, you also have access to an SMS API that you can use to program your messaging in a customized way. That means you can set things up according to whatever SMS marketing needs you have at the moment.

Messaging credits to the United States and Canada are included in every subscription, and you can add “international credits” whenever needed. These international credits allow you to send text messages to almost any country in the world.

Headquartered in New York City, New York, USA.

2. Twilio

Twilio home page

Twilio is an API-first international SMS service that allows you to send text messages to people in the United States and countries across the world via a robust SMS API.

Twilio is a well-established API service that you can customize to your needs based on the API documentation provided to its customers.

Its pricing is custom based on your domestic and international needs, and fees will vary depending on your usage and what countries you’ll be sending to.

Twilio charges per message and they also pass along fees from downstream carriers, so keep that in mind as you’re calculating pricing.

Headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA.

3. Attentive

Attentive home page

Attentive is one of the go-to services in the USA for ecommerce texting, and it also incorporates email marketing into its offerings.

Therefore, Attentive is a multichannel marketing solution for ecommerce businesses selling in the United States, and in some other areas of the world (including some countries in the Americas and Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand).

With Attentive, you get a robust option that is generally highly rated. Note that the pricing will likely be higher than some other services, which is evidenced by the fact that they don’t advertise their pricing on their website.

You’ll need to get on a demo in order to get a quote for pricing, but some report that it starts at $300 per month, plus messaging fees.

Headquartered in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.

4. Mailchimp

Get a Free 14-Day Trial with Mobile Text Alerts

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Mailchimp home dashboard

If you already use Mailchimp for your email marketing, you could consider adding Mailchimp's SMS option as well for pursuing SMS marketing in the United States.

As one of the most popular email solutions in the world, Mailchimp allows you to incorporate SMS into your email marketing strategy using the same tool for both channels.

So while Attentive (above) is more SMS-centric while also offering email marketing, Mailchimp is the opposite: email-centric while also offering an SMS option.

Note that Mailchimp’s SMS option does not have broad international capabilities, currently only being available in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

5. Others

There are countless other SMS marketing solutions you can consider for sending text messages to the USA.

Here are just a few of them:

  • SlickText (headquartered in Jamestown, New York, USA)
  • Klaviyo (headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
  • SimpleTexting (headquartered in Miami Beach, Florida, USA)
  • EZ Texting (headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA)
  • Trumpia (headquartered in La Palma, California, USA)
  • Constant Contact (headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA)
  • Textedly (headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, USA)

The State of SMS Marketing in the USA (2024)

So what actually is the state of SMS marketing in the current climate? Is SMS marketing even worth pursuing?

The answer is that SMS marketing is more alive and well than ever.

  • SMS is still the universal language of everyone with a cell phone (which is… almost everyone in the United States—94%–99%, depending on your age group).
  • SMS has open rates of 55% and “view rates” of up to 100%
  • 72% of respondents to a survey purchased after receiving a text message
  • An annual growth rate of 1.95% is expected for the SMS marketing market until 2029

SMS has been around a long time now, so it’s not a passing fad. Nor is it expected to go away anytime soon.

True, RCS may make an impact. But SMS is here to stay for the foreseeable future.

graph representative of bullet points listed above

Benefits of SMS Marketing for USA Businesses

SMS marketing offers a wealth of advantages for businesses operating in the United States—or those looking to send messages to customers and prospects in the United States.

Here are a few benefits of SMS marketing for the USA:

  • Widespread adoption—SMS is used almost universally across consumers in the United States; this is not true of all countries across the world.
  • High open rates—While this is somewhat nuanced, SMS does have decently high read rates, or at the very least, recipients almost always see all messages that come through (even if they don’t open them).
  • Personal communication—SMS is a much more personal line of communication than other forms of marketing such as email or social media; and since so many people in the United States use texting, you’re potentially reaching a large number of people in a very personable way.
  • Competitive advantage—Despite its effectiveness, SMS marketing is still underutilized by many businesses.
  • Email fatigue—Within the USA, email fatigue is real, because everyone is inundated with marketing emails left and right; SMS therefore provides a way to cut through all that clutter so you can really reach people.
  • Customer service implications—American consumers often expect quick, responsive customer service, which SMS can facilitate effectively, in addition to its marketing benefits.

Challenges of SMS Marketing in the USA

Although SMS marketing opens up a lot of opportunities within the United States, there are some challenges to consider.

  • No alphanumeric sender IDs—Unlike many other countries, in which messages can be sent through an alphanumeric ID (such as a brand name), in the US, messages can only be sent through phone numbers.
  • Mobile carrier requirements—In order to have successful SMS marketing campaigns, businesses need to follow mobile carrier requirements such as maintaining opt-in consent and pre-submitting your brand for approval (although this is likely an issue with many other countries as well).
  • Perception of spam—If not done correctly, SMS marketing could be perceived as spam by your audience, which could damage your brand reputation.
  • Data privacy concerns—Depending on the nature of your business (and particularly if you're in the healthcare industry), there are regulations and privacy laws in the US that could could potentially be cause for concern with SMS.

SMS Marketing Regulations in the USA

If you pursue SMS marketing in the United States, you’ll want to be aware of the regulations that cover sending text messages.

Up until a Supreme Court decision a few years back, the rules were a lot stricter, and under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), you could get in a lot of hot water for sending unsolicited text messages.

However, SMS marketing platforms are no longer considered “auto-dialers,” so as long as you have a legitimate list, the rules are more lax.

The primary rules you need to keep in mind from a legal standpoint are:

  • Don’t send messages early in the morning or at nighttime (this is in the recipient’s timezone, so you’ll need to be mindful of timezones when you’re sending your messages)
  • Don’t “randomly” dial numbers—have a legitimate database of phone numbers that you’re texting

Besides those laws, you’ll also generally want to follow the CTIA and mobile carrier guidelines—not for legal reasons, but so that your text messages don’t get filtered out as spam.

Here are some of those regulations:

  • Register your business’s brand with the mobile carriers ahead of time (a brand registration form will be provided for you by your SMS marketing provider)
  • Include a sender identification in all of your messages—identify who you are
  • Make sure all your recipients know how they can easily opt out of your messages
  • Don’t send links shortened by publicly-available URL shorteners
  • Don’t send messages that contain content related to sensitive topics or products—particularly related to S.H.A.F.T. (sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco/marijuana)

SMS Marketing Strategies for USA Businesses

So what strategies can you employ in the United States in order to get the most out of your SMS marketing efforts?

Here are some ideas.

Segment Your Audience

It’s commonly accepted in marketing that the more personalized you can be with your messaging, the better.

And there’s no reason to believe that it’s any different for SMS.

Segmenting your audience into relevant groups can help make your messaging more on-point so that it really speaks to the people you’re trying to reach.

Because, let’s face it—the United States is a big place with a lot of diverse people. So being as granular as you feasibly can be is to your advantage.

Get a Good Cadence

It can be tempting to send too many messages, but resist that temptation.

With SMS, less is more.

We would recommend sending only 1–4 SMS marketing messages per month (generally not any more than 1 per week).

If you send any more than that, you’ll run the risk of irritating your audience.

Use the Opportunities Provided by Major US Holidays and Events

You’ll want to consider how you can use the various US holidays and events to your advantage as you promote your business via SMS.

Holidays and special events become opportunities for sales, discounts, and seasonal products—all which you can promote through SMS marketing.

Some major US holidays and events would include:

  • New Year’s Day (January 1st)
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., Day (3rd Monday in January)
  • Super Bowl Sunday (1st Sunday in February)
  • Valentine’s Day (February 14th)
  • March Madness (March–April)
  • Easter (date varies but occurs either in March or April)
  • Mother’s Day (2nd Sunday in May
  • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
  • Father’s Day (3rd Sunday in June)
  • Independence Day (July 4th)
  • Labor Day (1st Monday in September)
  • Halloween (October 31st)
  • Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November)
  • Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving Day)
  • Cyber Monday (Monday after Thanksgiving Day)
  • Christmas Day (December 25th)
  • New Year’s Eve (December 31st)
attractive graph/table with H1 “Major US Holidays and Annual Events”

Test and Determine What Strategies Work Best for You

No matter what works for anyone else, you and your business are unique, so you need to find out what works best for you.

So you can test and figure out what your audience responds to.

Who knows?

You may find that your audience responds in totally unexpected ways.

Best Practices for Effective SMS Campaigns in the USA

Based on the benefits, challenges, regulations, and strategies listed above—what are some best practices for having an effective SMS campaign in the USA?

Here are some other practical to-do’s (and to-don’ts!). Note that best practices don’t necessarily need to be followed every time, and there may be situations in which it’s appropriate to go beyond these.

  • DO get opt-in consent from your recipients—although there may be a place for cold SMS, be strategic about it
  • DO provide value with your SMS—give people a reason to remain subscribed
  • DO keep an eye on how many messaging credits you use when you send your messages—messages over 160 characters cost more credits, and so do messages that include a media file (such as an image), so you’ll want to keep that in mind
  • DO personalize your message when possible—as mentioned, personalization is a widely accepted marketing strategy
  • DO include a clear call-to-action—make sure people know the specific next step they should take
  • DON’T oversend—as mentioned above, keep your messaging cadence at 1–4 messages per month
  • DON’T mention anything controversial (even if it’s not actually illegal)—this includes mentions of marijuana or even seemingly innocuous things such as your restaurant’s wine selection or a work-from-home opportunity
    • Note: if you need to mention something like this in your messages, let us know and we can work with you to give you advice on the best way to go about that

SMS Marketing USA Examples

So what does SMS marketing in the USA actually look like?

How can you actually go about SMS marketing in the United States?

Here are some ideas to help spark your creativity. (Note that these are not real examples.)

1. Retail Example

Campaign Objective: Drive traffic to physical stores during a seasonal sale.

Example: Imagine you’re one of the largest department store chains in the US. How could you drive traffic to your stores? One way could be to use SMS marketing to promote seasonal sales. For instance, during your annual July 4th sale, you might send out SMS messages like:

Celebrate Independence Day with 25% off storewide! Visit your nearest [Store Name] today and use code JULY25 at checkout. Shop now: [Link] Text STOP to opt-out.

Outcome: By offering a time-sensitive discount and encouraging in-store visits, you could successfully boost foot traffic and sales during key shopping periods.

2. Food & Beverage Example

Campaign Objective: Promote a new product and increase app engagement.

Example: If you own an American coffee shop, you could use SMS to promote new menu items and drive engagement with your mobile app. An example campaign might look like this:

Try our new Caramel Ribbon Crunch frozen coffee! Order now through the [Brand Name] app and get 50 bonus stars. Offer valid today only! [Link] Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

Outcome: This SMS not only promotes a new product but also incentivizes customers to use your brand’s app—which helps to build a habit of digital ordering (not to mention customer loyalty!).

3. Ecommerce Example

Campaign Objective: Remind customers of abandoned carts to recover lost sales.

Example: Your ecommerce store could use SMS reminders to nudge US customers who have added items to their cart but haven’t completed the purchase. A typical message might read:

You left something behind! Complete your purchase of [Item Name] now and enjoy free shipping. Hurry, items in your cart are selling fast: [Link] Text STOP to opt-out.

Outcome: By sending timely reminders, you could see increased conversion rates and sales from your abandoned carts.

4. Healthcare Example

Campaign Objective: Remind patients to refill prescriptions.

Example: If your business were a US pharmacy, you could use SMS to remind patients when it’s time to refill their prescriptions. A reminder might look like this:

It's time to refill your prescription for [Medication Name]. Reply YES to confirm your refill or visit [Link] for more options. Text STOP to opt-out.

Outcome: These reminders would help encourage patients to refill their prescriptions regularly, and that means better health for them and better sales for you!

5. Entertainment Example

Campaign Objective: Promote upcoming movie releases and drive ticket sales.

Example: If you were a marketer for a local movie theater somewhere in the United States, you could use SMS to inform moviegoers about upcoming releases and special promotions. A typical message might be:

Don't miss the summer's biggest blockbuster! Get your tickets now for [Movie Title] and enjoy 10% off concessions with your [Brand Name] membership: [Link] Text STOP to unsubscribe.

Outcome: By sending timely reminders and offers, your movie theater could effectively drive both ticket sales and concession revenue (because everyone loves that yummy popcorn!).

6. Fitness Example

Campaign Objective: Encourage membership renewals and promote special offers.

Example: If you were the owner of an American fitness center, you could use SMS to remind members about renewing their memberships and to promote special deals. An example might be:

Your Planet Fitness membership is up for renewal! Renew now and get a free month. Offer ends soon: [Link] Text STOP to opt-out.

Outcome: This message not only serves as a reminder but also incentivizes timely renewals—which, ideally, means less churn.

7. Online Coaching Example

Campaign Objective: Boost enrollment in a new business coaching program designed for entrepreneurs.

Example: If you were a business coach, you could use SMS marketing to promote a new 8-week business growth coaching program to US prospects. The campaign might look like this:

Unlock your business potential! Join my 8-week Business Growth Coaching Program and get actionable strategies to scale your business. Sign up today and save 15%! Spots are limited: [Link] Reply STOP to opt-out.

Outcome: The limited availability and discount mentioned in this SMS create urgency, which means increased enrollment in the program.

Getting Started with SMS Marketing in the USA

Getting started with SMS marketing in the USA doesn’t require a lot of commitment, just a few steps:

  • Step 1: Select a provider that offers SMS marketing to the USA (see the list of example providers under “Top SMS Marketing USA Solutions” above)
  • Step 2: Register for a free trial so that you can get a feel for how the SMS marketing platform or API works
  • Step 3: Load in your database of contacts (most platforms will allow you to import a spreadsheet, or you can give people the option to sign themselves up for your SMS list by texting in particular words, using an online sign-up form, or using other opt-in methods)
  • Step 4: Start sending or setting up your SMS campaigns

The Future of SMS Marketing in the USA

So what does the future of SMS marketing look like in the USA?

Here are a few predictions:

  1. SMS marketing isn’t going anywhere anytime soon—in the USA, people still use SMS and use it profusely.
  2. RCS will start to play a role in SMS marketing as Apple begins to adopt it.
  3. AI will be increasingly incorporated into SMS, through implementations such as automated A/B testing and AI SMS chatbots
  4. More business will continue to adopt SMS marketing as they realize its potential

SMS Marketing USA FAQ

What is SMS marketing in the USA?

SMS marketing in the USA refers to using text messaging to market to customers and prospects located in the United States. This typically involves using SMS marketing platforms or API services that have capabilities to reach US recipients.

How do you do bulk SMS marketing in the USA?

In order to do bulk SMS marketing in the USA, you need to use an SMS marketing platform or API service that offers support for reaching US phone numbers. These services allow you to manage a database of US contacts and communicate with them via SMS marketing en masse.

What are some SMS marketing services in the USA?

Some SMS marketing services in the USA include Mobile Text Alerts, Twilio, Attentive, Mailchimp, SlickText, Klaviyo, SimpleTexting, EZ Texting, Trumpia, Constant Contact, and Textedly.

What is SMS marketing pricing in the USA?

SMS marketing pricing in the USA varies according to the service or platform that you use and the volume that you intend to send. For example, Mobile Text Alerts starts at $20/month for a low-volume plan while Attentive starts at $300/month.

You’ll typically pay a subscription fee allowing for a certain allotment of messages, but some services charge you per message instead.

Interested in Exploring SMS Marketing in the USA?

So there are all the basics you need to know about going about SMS marketing in the USA.

The USA is one of the best countries to engage in SMS marketing because of the profusive use of SMS among people across the country. So using SMS can have a significant impact on your business.

Why not get started today?

Get a free trial now to see how it all works.

Get a Free 14-Day Trial Account

Start sending mass text messages to your entire list today!
