91 Sample Text Messages to Customers, Message Templates 2025

September 17, 2024 (Updated) | By Sam Pelton
Customers receiving text messages

Sometimes you just need a little inspiration.

For example, let's say you want to get SMS marketing going for your business. But how does it all work? Is it hard? What kinds of messages would you send? How do you set it up?

Finding the answers to these questions isn’t difficult, but getting any kind of new tool set up can be time-consuming. And that can be a barrier to moving forward, even if you know it would be beneficial for your business.

That’s why we put together this list of 91 sample text messages to customers and to employees.

Some of these are modified versions of real text messages our customers have sent, while others are examples of the types of messages you could potentially send (based on our 13 years of experience in the SMS space).

You can use these text message marketing examples to easily put together your own templates and send ready-to-use messages to your customers...

Or to just give you some inspiration for what you can do with an SMS solution.

After all, people send over 2 trillion text messages per year and 97% of Americans own a cell phone. So you want to take full advantage of the opportunities SMS provides.

Make your life just a little less hectic and boost your sales and revenue in the process!

7 Best Sample Text Messages to Customers

What actually makes a good "sale SMS" message?

SMS is a whole different animal from email or social or direct mail or cold calling.

Before we get into 7 specific examples of the best text messages to customers, what factors should you actually consider when thinking about the best sample text messages?

What makes a good sample text message to text customers?


Text messages aren't meant to read like a novel. You don't want to read paragraph after paragraph.

The best text message to customers keeps things brief.

Technically, the maximum limit for a single text message is 160 characters. But you're not actually limited to that amount, because messages longer than that are simply sent into two or more segments - which most phones concatenate into a single message block when the message is delivered.

However, the "160 characters" can be a good rule of thumb, if for no other reason than it saves you money since you don't have to use as many message credits for shorter messages.

Therefore, the best sample text messages to customers will preferably be brief - even as short as 160 characters.


While it's true that all marketing initiatives need to be attention-grabbing, it's particularly true for text messages, especially when you consider that by one account 100% of text messages are "viewed" and 55% are "read" - which means 45% of SMS are viewed but not fully opened.

And what that means is that a good chunk of your audience will only see the message preview. The preview typically shows around 40-86 characters.

So you want to make sure that the first 40 characters of your message are particularly attention-grabbing.


SMS in particular should be used but not overused. Instead, your message should be created strategically to maximize your impact.

How this might translate into message content would be that your messages will not be slipshod, overly frequent, or unintentional. Your messages will have a specific purpose, will be sent at a specific point in your audience's journey, and will have specific calls-to-action.

If you don't go about SMS marketing in this strategic fashion, it may lose a lot of its effectiveness.


So with all of those guidelines in mind, what are some examples of a good text message to customers?

1. Welcome Message

Here's 10% off as a thank-you for jumping on board here at [Company Name]! Claim your discount by clicking the following link, and be sure to keep an eye out for more VIP deals down the road! [Link]

2. Exclusive Offer or Discount

Hey [Name], today only for our VIP customers! 🎁 Enjoy an exclusive 20% off your next purchase with code VIP20. Offer expires soon, so don't miss out! Shop here: [link]

3. Appointment Reminder

Hi [Name] - Reminder! You have an appointment for [appointment purpose] with [provider] at [time] on [date].

4. Event / Webinar Reminder

Hey [Name], don't miss out! [Webinar Name] starts in 10 minutes. Check it out here: [link]

5. Reactivation

[Name], one day only! Get 35% off your next order - no strings attached! Shop now: [link]

6. Abandoned Cart

Hi [Name], time's running out! Your cart's waiting and you can get free shipping if you check out within the next 30 minutes! Check out here: [link]

7. Sales Follow-Up

Hi [Name], you're so close to getting [benefit]! Just reply INTERESTED and you'll get a special discount code.

What Kinds of Text Messages Should You Send to Your Customers?

So what kinds of text messages should you send to your customers? Should you just text them left and right for every little thing? Should you only text them for the really important things? For promotional purposes? Transactional purposes?

There are at least 8 purposes for which you'd want to text customers. We'll list these out with a brief description of each, and you can scroll below to see further explanations as well as specific examples (some of these overlap with the examples given above - note that this list is also not comprehensive).

1. "Welcome"

"Welcome" messages give you a chance to greet your subscribers as they sign up for your text message list. These messages introduce your audience to receive your texts and therefore allow you to set the tone for the remainder of the messages you send.

The "welcome" message can be a simple greeting or it can contain one or more points of value. In any case, it should contain a few pieces of vital information, such as your brand name and opt-out instructions.

2. Sales Follow-Ups

Sales follow-ups would be more personalized messages that you can send to your sales prospects and customers. They can be relationship-building or they can have more of persuasive element to them, trying to convince your audience to purchase or to take advantage of an upsell.

3. Promotions

One of the most popular reasons to text customers is to send them SMS-based promotions, or notifications of promotions you have going on elsewhere. Since the channel is SMS, you'll have direct access to their personal phone ad they'll be a lot more likely to see your message - which means they'll be a lot more likely to take advantage of it.

4. Event (Webinar) Reminders

As a method to drive up more attendance to your events and webinars, SMS definitely outshines other reminder channels. Plus, if your event is a virtual event or webinar, you can include a direct join link in your text message, making it even easier for your audience to participate.

5. Customer Care

You can not only use SMS for promotional purposes but you can use it for customer care as well. These types of messages would include notices such as customer check-ins, transactional updates, shipping notifications, and other similar messages.

6. Loyalty Follow-Ups

Beyond sale SMS messages and even customer care messages, you can use SMS to send messages that foster customer loyalty. You can even incorporate SMS into your official loyalty program, to send updates that correspond to your loyalty rewards.

7. Dunning Reminders

Perhaps surprisingly, SMS can be a very effective way to collect passed-due payments or to notify about declined card issues on an account renewal. Simple text messages can therefore help with your dunning issues.

8. Churn Winback

Lastly, you can use SMS as a solution to get in touch with former customers and try to win them back. You can send text message promos or updates that correspond to the state of mind your former customers are in.

9 ways to use sms for your business (infographic)

General Sample Texts

Before we get into specifics, here are a few general sample texts you can pull from.

Promotions Sample Text:

Hey [Name], get 20% off on all orders over $50 this weekend only! Use code SAVE20 at checkout. Shop now: [Link]

Appointment Reminders Sample Text:

Hi [Name], just a friendly reminder of your appointment with [Business Name] tomorrow at [Time]. See you then!

Product Announcements/Launches Sample Text:

Exciting news! There's a new line of [type of product] that you're gonna love! Check it out here: [Link]

Event Invitations/Reminders Sample Text:

Hi [Name], you're invited to our exclusive networking event next Friday! Join us for drinks, snacks, and great conversation. RSVP by clicking here: [Link]

Internal Communication Sample Text:

Don't forget! The budget meeting is TODAY at 1pm. Please don't be late!

Why could these work?

These messages are brief and most of them clearly communicate value to the recipient.

Most of these messages incorporate at least some level of personalization, the simplest way being to include the individual recipient's name. (While including the recipient's name is commonplace for email, SMS feels more personal in general.)

Most of these messages also have a clear action the user is going to take.

Overall, the messages are simple, clear, and to-the-point.

“Welcome” Sample Text Messages to Customers

Your “welcome” message is the automated message people receive when they sign up for your texts via "text-to-join" keyword or web sign-up form.

Your welcome message should generally be succinct, friendly, and informative. It should clearly confirm and clarify what your subscriber signed up for, as well as provide instructions on how they can opt out.

Check out the below templates for some ideas.

Welcome! You will now be kept up to date with all things at [business name]! Reply 'stop' at any time to opt out

Welcome to [business name] Alert Club! Use promo code [code] to enjoy 10% off as a 'thank you' for signing up. Text Stop to stop

Hello there! You will now be amongst the first to hear the details of our special events hosted at [business name]. Reply STOP to unsubscribe

Welcome to [business name]’s VIP Text Club. You’ll receive VIP deals no one else gets! Reply 'stop' to opt out

Welcome to [business name] text alerts! Now you will get alerted every time we have a deal so you don't miss out. Hope to see ya soon! Txt stop 2 stop

Welcome to [business name] Deals! Stay tuned for announcements! Opt-out by replying with the word 'stop' at any time.

Welcome to the [business name] family! So glad you're with us. Make sure you follow us on IG [@Instagram handle or link]. Reply 'stop' to stop

Welcome to the [business name] VIP Group! You will receive EXCLUSIVE specials, discounts and promotions. Stay tuned! Text 'stop' to opt out

Welcome to text updates for [business name]! Thanks for joining! Text stop to stop

Hi there! This is [business name]’s text alert system! :) We'll be updating you about SALES, DEALS & NEW PRODUCT RELEASES. Stay tuned! Txt stop 2 stop

Why could these work?

These examples give a clear introduction to recipients who are new to your "text customer" list. Most of them give a clear description of what the recipient can expect.

Another important factor of these messages is that they provide clear instructions for how people can opt out if they want to unsubscribe.

The examples provide an overall simple greeting to your new subscribers. They are warm and inviting, setting the tone for the rest of the messages to follow - and communicating the value of what people can expect.

Welcome text message example

Sales Message Examples

Text follow-ups can be a simple and interactive way to engage with your leads and guide them through the sales process.

Here are some sales message examples of how you can go about that.

[Percentage] off your subscription if you purchase TODAY! Here’s the link to purchase: [link]

Any questions I can help clear up for you as you’re testing out your free trial? :)

I’d love to walk you through your services! Go ahead and schedule a demo here: [link]

Thanks for downloading our free guide! Try a free test account today: [link]

We noticed your free trial period is up. We hope you enjoyed testing out [product or service]! What’s holding you back from upgrading your free trial right now?

Thanks for your interest in [product or service]! Here are some tutorials to help you get started: [link]

Hi there! How are things going with your free trial? :)

We noticed you haven’t [done step in the sales process] yet. What can I do to help?

Why could these work?

These simple follow-ups use strategic approaches to move prospects further along the customer journey. They aren't convoluted but give your audience clear actions to take as they move closer toward making a purchase or toward being a loyal customer.

These kinds of messages come across as very personable and are intended to get your customer base engaged. They are friendly and direct.

Overall, these could encourage responses from your audience so that you can connect with them individually.

salesman texting lead

Promotion Sample Text Messages to Customers

What better way to drive customer engagement with your promotions than texting them directly on their personal phones?

View some example templates below.

FLASH SALE! Everything [percentage] off for the next [period of time] ONLY! Shop here: [link]

Don’t miss out on our [holiday] sale this weekend! [Percentage] off! Visit in-store or online: [link]

CLEARANCE! While supplies last! [Percentage] off all [product or service]. Hurry, don’t miss it! [Link]

Buy one get one [FREE, HALF OFF, etc.] - all [type of product or service]! [Period of time] only. Purchase here: [link]

Text club exclusive - [percentage] off everything! [Period of time] only! Click here to shop: [link]

FREE GIVEAWAY - We’re giving away [free product or number of free products] today! [Action customer must take] for a chance to win.

Let’s make a DEAL - [percentage] off any purchase this weekend! Happy shopping!

Now’s the perfect time to spring for that [product or service] you’ve been wanting. Why? Because all [product or service] are [percentage] off [period of time] ONLY. Stop by or shop online: [link]

NEW! Introducing [new product or service]. To celebrate, we’re giving [percentage] off any orders that include the new [product or service] for [period of time] ONLY. Here’s the link to shop: [link]

Don’t miss out on all we have going on [period of time; i.e. today, this week]! [List of activities, items, specials, etc.]. See you soon!

Why could these work?

These promotional messages capture attention quickly - giving motivation for recipients to take immediate action.

They have a sense of urgency by giving a time frame and an incentive for people to act quickly. The "scarcity" language is attention-grabbing from the get-go. The energy is palpable.

The incentives themselves are clear and upfront. The CTA's also are either very clear or are heavily implied, so your audience knows exactly what to do next.

Text message promotion with increasing sales

Event Sample Text Messages to Customers

Want a better turnout to your event (whether digital or in-person)?

Sending text reminders can help get more people to show up.

Thus, you’ll have a greater opportunity to showcase the product or service you’re promoting!

DON’T FORGET! Our [webinar or other event] is today at [time]. See you there!

(Click here for more info on SMS reminders for Zoom webinars and meetings.)

Our webinar is in 5 minutes! Click here to join: [link]

You won’t want to miss our [event name] tomorrow at [time]! Be there or be square!

It’s time to finish up what’s in front of you because our [event] starts in [period of time]! Here’s the link to join: [link]

Now’s the time! Your [webinar or other event] starts in T minus [length of time]. (Trust me, you don’t want to miss it!) Click the link and say hi once you’re in: [link]

Hello [event] registrants! Just a reminder that the [event] begins on [day] at [time]. Don’t be late! Excited to see you there!

DON’T FORGET! Our [event name] is [day] at [time] - Catered by [caterer] at [location]. We’ll have [event activities]! See you there.

Don’t forget about [event] starting at [time] tonight at [location]! Please [event instructions]. Hope to see you there!

Unfortunately, due to [reason], the [event] has been cancelled. Sorry, folks! Enjoy some extra time with your friends and family!

Why could these work?

These event and webinar reminder messages are designed to get people to attend - and to keep them engaged.

The messages provide simple reminders and notices that let people know what's going on, or that remind people of something that's about to happen soon.

Timely reminders sent before a webinar or event could go a long way to helping improve attendance to that event. They can also just help generate greater interest in the event in general.

Text message bubbles with calendar

Customer Care and Information Sample Text Messages to Customers

Texting just feels a lot more personal than social media posts or emails.

This means that texting gives you a way to really connect with and care for your customers. For example, hotels often send guests text messages upon check-in or arrival to share critical information and welcome customers. Or ecommerce stores could send follow-ups after a purchase to make sure the customer is satisfied.

A greater connection with customers means customers are more likely to stick with you - to purchase from you again.

Which, of course, is good news for you and your business!

Here are some examples of texts that engage in customer care.

Hi there! [Representative’s name] from [business name] here. Just following up on your recent purchase - Did everything go smoothly for you?

Hi there! This is [representative’s name] from [business name]. I wanted to check in to see how you’re liking your new [product or service]?

We’d love to get in touch and see how we can serve you! Can we chat for 10 minutes? Book a call here: [link]

Thanks for your purchase! We’d love to get feedback on your experience. What is one thing we could do to better serve you?

Don’t forget your appointment with [business name] today at [time]! See you soon.

Unfortunately, due to [reason], your appointment with [name or business name] must be canceled today. You can reschedule here or call

Now that you’ve been using your [product or service] for a little while now, how are things going? Any questions or concerns I can help you with?

You’ve got the basics down. Ready to learn more about how to take full advantage of your [product or service]? Here are some ideas: [link]

[Business name] will be closed on [day] due to [reason]. (We’ll be back to normal operations the following day.) Sorry for any inconvenience!

Why could these work?

With these types of messages, you can strengthen your relationship with your customers - and be proactive about potential issues or concerns.

You can also make sure people are in the know about important information they should be aware of.

The approach is very personable and invites engagement from your customer. So, of course, this can be an excellent way to help get valuable feedback directly from your audience, and to reduce churn.

Man with headset sending text message

Loyalty Follow-up Sample Text Messages to Customers

Do you offer some sort of loyalty program to incentivize repeat purchases?

If not, you should consider it!

Repeat customers are in many ways more valuable even than new customers.

That kind of repeat loyalty creates more consistency and reliability for your business and is usually the backbone of your revenue.

How can you boost this kind of loyalty via texting?

Get FREE and discounted [products or services] by being a part of our loyalty club! Sign up here: [link]

Thanks for joining our loyalty text club! Enjoy a [free item or discount] just for signing up! Redeem here: [link]

CONGRATS! You’ve earned [number] loyalty stars which means you get a FREE [insert reward]. Show this text to claim your prize!

SO CLOSE! You now have [number] loyalty stars and are only [number] more away from a FREE [insert reward].

Hey you! Yes, you! :) As a valued loyal customer, we’re giving you an EXCLUSIVE [percentage] off your next purchase. Because we so appreciate you and we know saving money makes you feel good inside! Show this text on your next visit or purchase here: [link]

Congratulations on making your [number, i.e. 10th, 50th] purchase with [business name]! As a thank you, please take [percentage] off your next purchase! Click here to redeem: [link]

You’ve been a customer for [length of time] now! Wow, time flies! We appreciate you and want to give you a FREE [item] as a thank you. Redeem here: [link]

Since you’re a member of our loyalty club, we’re giving you a [free or discounted item], just because! :) Enjoy!

Why could these work?

These message examples contribute to customer loyalty with messages sent directly to people's phone.

They include acknowledgement of the customer and personalized appreciation. At the same time, they include a value-add element that your audience will find beneficial, and they communicate that value simply.

Ultimately, these kinds of messages that you can text customers can help foster the kind of loyalty you're looking for in your customer base.

Person in drive-thru on phone

Get a Free 14-Day Trial with Mobile Text Alerts

set password visible

Dunning and Payment Reminder Sample Text Messages to Customers

Dunning, the process of contacting customers to collect payment, is never fun! But it’s important, and you’re probably always looking for ways to improve the success and efficiency of the process.

Why not utilize texting?

After all, people pay close attention to their texts. Probably even more so than phone calls in this day and age!

And let’s be honest - Automated dunning texts can save you and your employees from the awkwardness and hassle of having to call customers for payment collection.

Payment was declined for your [service]. Please login and update the card on file to avoid service disruption. Reply with any questions. [Link]

Your [product or service] will be [disabled / canceled] in [number] days if you don't update the card on file. Reply with any questions. [Link]

Hi there! We noticed your invoice was past due. Did you have any questions I could help clarify regarding your order? You can view the invoice here: [link]

We miss you! Please update card info to continue with your [product or service] - [link]

A friendly reminder that your payment is due on [date]. You can view your invoice using the following link, and let us know if you have any questions: [link]

Your payment is scheduled to process automatically on [date]. Let us know if you have any questions!

Why could these work?

These messages walk that fine line that sometimes exists between being clear and being friendly. The messages are timely, overall friendly, yet simultaneously transparent about what's going to happen if people don't pay.

Although it may at times feel harsh to "go after" people for their money, these text messages give you an example of how you can a text message to customers regarding expected payment without coming across as demanding.

And ultimately, a simply notice like these is for the benefit of the customer, so that they can continue using whatever product or service of yours that they're finding valuable.

Text message showing past due payment

Churn Winback Sample Text Messages to Customers

Nothing hurts a businessperson quite as much as losing a customer.

Or, like we call it in the business world, “churn."

But texting can help with this too!

Here are some examples of how.

We miss you! We’d love to hear your feedback. What could we have done to keep you around?

We want you back SO BAD that we’re going to give you [percentage] off just for returning! Want to give us a try again today?

Did you change your mind about wanting to [insert benefit your product or service provides]? It’s not too late to restart services! Here’s your link to get back up and running: [link]

Psst! Don’t tell anyone, but TODAY ONLY, we’ll give you a [percentage] discount if you restart your account. How does that sound?

Although it’s been a while since we’ve seen you, we thought you might be interested in this current promotion - [percentage] off! Check it out here: [link]

We miss you! We're just checking in to see if you knew about our new [product or service]? Interested in giving that a try?

Why could these work?

The message examples show you samples of how you can try to win people back by expressing genuine appreciation and offering good incentives.

The messages use appealing language to pique the curiosity of your audience, so you can re-generate interest in your brand again.

Everything is simple and brief - and it's easy for your audience to engage.

Woman receiving texts as she leaves bakery business

Internal Office Sample Text Messages

Did you know that you can use text alerts not only to boost sales and revenue with your customers but also to help improve efficiency and communication within your own business?

Because nobody likes to waste time on missed emails, forgotten meetings, and inconvenient phone calls!

Using text alerts helps free up stress and hassle.

Don’t forget about the staff meeting at [time] in [room]. (We’ll be discussing some important changes with [meeting topic], so make sure to be there!)

ANNOUNCEMENT - Policies have changed regarding [subject]. To view new updated policies, please see the following link and contact [name, phone number, or email address] with any questions: [link]

ALERT - Offices are closed [today, tomorrow, or a specific date] due to the inclement weather. Stay home and stay safe!

OFFICE HOUR CHANGE - Due to [reason], our office hours [today, tomorrow, or a specific date] will be [timeframe]. Hours are expected to return to normal on [day].

Employee of the Month: Congratulations to [employee name] for [reason]. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed! Keep it up!

We need someone for [shift time] this week. Reply 'available' if you’re able to help!

Reminder: Offices are closed on [date] for the holiday. Enjoy some time with your friends and family!

Today’s meeting will be via Zoom at [time]. Here’s the link to join: [link]

[IT or maintenance item] is currently down until further notice. In the meantime, please [instructions].

Why could these work?

These are very simple notices you can send internally to your team.

There's no need for complicated instructions or explanations. The messages are brief and clear.

The messages also provide an avenue to share important details your internal team needs to know. That way, they'll be notified or reminded of that info - and they'll have the info readily on hand for easy reference.

Office people texting

Bonus: Professional Text Message Examples

In addition to all of the examples given above, here are some general professional text message examples.

These are examples of how to go about texting in a variety of professional settings.

Good afternoon, [Name], This is a reminder of your upcoming job interview with [Company Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply YES to confirm your attendance. Thank you.

Hi [Name], just letting you know that I've successfully submitted the proposal for [Project Name]. You can view the submission here: [link]

Hi [Name], this is [Name]. Thanks for connecting on LinkedIn! Wanted to just reach out and see if you were still interested in connecting via call to discuss [topic]?

Hello, I am running into issues on the website. [Explain specifically the issues you are experiencing.] Can you help?

Why could these work?

Similar to the "Internal Office" messages above, these message examples are succinct and to-the-point.

There's not a lot of fluff, unnecessary jargon, or beating around the bush.

The down-to-earth, direct approach is professional - and will therefore help you reach your intended goal with your communication.

Best Practices to Make Full Use of Your Best Sample Text Messages

Having a high quality message isn't quite enough, unfortunately.

You also need a proper execution of your SMS campaign for texting customers.


Here are some best practices...

1. Test with Your Own Audience

The message copy and approaches that work for one audience may not work for another, because your situation is unique.

You can do continuous testing with your own audience to see what best resonates with them in order to get a better idea in regards to what will actually be successful for you.

2. Follow Mobile Carrier Compliance

Mobile carrier compliance rules are always changing. So before you get started with your campaigns, make sure to ask your SMS platform provider what the current guidelines are.

If you don't, your SMS campaigns could be dead in the water before they even begin, because the mobile carriers may filter out the messages as spam.

3. Be Conservative in Your Frequency

Would you want to receive multiple SMS per month from brands? If you're like most, probably not.

Well, neither does your audience.

So be careful about how frequently you're sending SMS. You don't want to overdo it and wear your audience out.

Sending 2-4 text messages per month is a good guideline.

Message template infographic

How to Save a Text Message Template for Easy Use

Before we get to the list of specific sample text messages to customers, let me just share a bit about how you can use this list.

Step 1: Create an Account on an SMS Platform

Before you can do anything with your SMS marketing, you need to first create an SMS marketing platform account.

You can opt for the free trial if you just want to test it out.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Text Message Templates” Tab

Once your account is set up, you can navigate to the Text Message Templates tab.

Then click “Create a Message Template” on this page.

Message Templates page

Step 3: Copy and Paste the Message Template

To save a preset message from the list of text message marketing examples here on this page, you can copy any of the examples below.

Then paste them into the “Message to Send” content box here, give your message a name, and click “Save Template.” If you want to include an image you can do that by clicking the paper clip icon to attach a file - you can use content creation apps to help you come up with engaging visuals.

Create a message template

Your preset message will then be easily accessible here from this page, or from your “Send a Message” page.

Now that you know how to save any of the below templates for easy access and use, here’s your list of sample text messages to customers.

Try a Texting Platform Free

It's been quite a journey as we've reviewed all the in's and out's of text message examples!

We've gone over 91 example text messages, plus some general tips and best practices regarding what types of messages to send and how to go about it. Plus, we've reviewed how to set up message templates within the Mobile Text Alerts dashboard.

Are you worn out? :)

But it's worth it, because you could be getting more sales - with texting.

And you can try it for free! Just get your free trial here (no credit card needed).

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Start sending mass text alerts to your entire list today!
