We Apple users love our blue bubbles.
Apart from the benign aesthetic benefit, iMessage gives people a more user-friendly way to send text messages apart from having to use traditional SMS.
But how can you use the benefits of iMessage on a mass messaging basis?
Most mass texting apps only allow you to send traditional SMS and MMS.
Here’s a walkthrough of how to send a mass text iMessage.
Mobile Text Alerts is one of the few texting apps that lets you send bulk iMessage content.
Sending iMessage for business via Mobile Text Alerts just takes a few steps.
Note that this feature is currently in beta, so there could be outstanding bugs, and it is not guaranteed to be available to all Mobile Text Alerts users. Any feedback from new users is highly appreciated.
Here’s how it works…
1) Contact support to get a registered “Sender Identity”—this is a unique identifier that will be the “sender” for your messages
2) Receive opt-in consent from your subscribers to send them messages via iMessage
3) Once the subscriber is opted in, they will receive any future messages you send via iMessage rather than SMS/MMS
4) If an iMessage fails to send to your opted-in subscribers for whatever reason, the system will simply fallback to SMS/MMS, so it will not interrupt your subscribers' experience
Once a subscriber has opted in to receive iMessage from you, you can send or automate a mass text iMessage via an online dashboard or via API.
Whenever you send a message from your Mobile Text Alerts account, your "regular" recipients will receive the message via SMS/MMS, while those who have opted in to iMessage will receive the mass text via iMessage.
You can view a fuller explanation of how to send bulk iMessage texts in our API documentation, along with the instructions for creating your deeplinks via API.
Here’s an example of how this flow could look…
Jason wants to know how to send a mass text iMessage for his business, Coach Jason. So he contacts our support team and we get him set up with a Sender Identity, CoachJason@imsg.co.
Jason then needs to get his subscribers to opt in to receive iMessage notifications, so he creates a deeplink using the Mobile Text Alerts API. He sets it up so that if the subscriber’s devices are not iMessage-compatible, the link will instead send them to a page saying that their phone does not appear to support iMessage.
Next, Jason sends out a text message to his current subscriber base letting them know to click the link if they want to receive iMessages moving forward.
(Note: Our recommendation is for your deeplink to be sent from an existing Mobile Text Alerts number that you’ve previously used with your subscribers. That way, your subscribers will recognize the number, so you can have a better chance that your subscribers will click the link and opt in to your iMessages.)
Many of Jason’s subscribers opt to receive iMessages moving forward, so now any messages he sends to them go through iMessage rather than being sent as an SMS or MMS. And if any messages fail via iMessage, his subscribers are sent a “regular” SMS or MMS instead.
If you have an iPhone, you already use iMessage.
It’s the messaging option that allows users of Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers to communicate with each other in a secure and feature-rich way.
Among other benefits, messages sent via iMessage allow for longer messages and larger image attachments, and the messages are encrypted.
(The messages also come through as infamous “blue bubbles,” as opposed to regular SMS that come through “green bubbles.”)
There are a few reasons why you’d want to use iMessage for business via Mobile Text Alerts:
Overall, sending mass texts through iMessage rather than SMS or MMS can lead to a better experience for your subscribers—and therefore, better engagement with your messages.
The only standard way to send bulk iMessage texts from your iPhone is to simply send a group message from your texting app.
You can simply navigate to your default “Messages” app and select to compose a new message. Then enter the recipients for your message.
There are several limitations with this approach:
In reality, there is no feasible way we are awar eof to send a mass text iMessage from your iPhone without getting an app such as Mobile Text Alerts.
To get started, you just need to get an iMessage Sender Identity set up for your account.
Contact us and ask about getting an iMessage Sender Identity and we’ll get you squared away. (Include the name of your brand in your request so that we can get a Sender Identity set up that closely corresponds to your business.)
Note: we can’t guarantee access to everyone who requests a Sender Identity.
Start sending mass text messages to your entire list today!