If you're interested in sending messages through iMessage, you can now enjoy more flexibility because you're able to designate different "sender names" when sending out your deeplink to get people to opt in to receiving iMessages. That means your recipient list can see the message coming from a trusted sender name - making them more likely to actually engage with your message.
For more information or to get enabled to send iMessages, contact us.
You have even more flexibility for your custom attributes now with the added "Multi-Options" attribute type.
When you're setting up your new custom attribute, you can select "Multi-Options" and list out your desired number of options you'd like to be to select from for your subscribers. Then when this attribute is being assigned to your subscribers, multiple data points will be able to be selected from that list of options.
A few of the bugs you've reported have been decidedly smashed, giving you a smoother overall experience:
Here are some new and updated guides to help you get the most out of your SMS and overall business efforts:
Importing subscriber lists from large spreadsheets to update current subscribers on your account is now less error-prone, so that you can get your contacts loaded in without a lot of hassle and headaches.
A disparity of timezone options between the online platform and the mobile app has now been resolved - opening up more timezone options for mobile app users. Which means you can have more flexibility in your message scheduling and accurate timestamp reporting.
A few of the bugs you've reported have been decidedly smashed, giving you a smoother overall experience:
Here are some new and updated guides to help you get the most out of your SMS and overall business efforts:
Discover how you can make the best use out of these new updates...