9 Easy Ways to Fix Message Delivery Problems [2024]

June 10, 2024 | By Sam Pelton
Someone putting letters in a mailbox

Let’s say you’re having problems with your business text messages getting delivered.

The question is, why?

Here are a few reasons why people might not be receiving your messages—and what to do about it.

Your traffic is not registered

For best delivery results, it’s recommended that you register your traffic and brand with the mobile carriers so that they can pre-approve your message traffic.

With Mobile Text Alerts, you have registration forms readily available to fill out within your online dashboard—it just takes a few minutes.

You’re including unbranded shortened links

Including an unbranded shortened link is almost a guarantee that your message will go undelivered.

For absolute best delivery results, don’t include any link at all. Or include the full link.

Sending a branded shortened link can also be an option (this option is available via the “Insert Link” feature within your Mobile Text Alerts dashboard).

You’re including content that the mobile carriers deem “questionable”

Even innocent or legitimate references to “questionable” content can be a cause for delivery issues.

This includes any mention of cannabis or related words (including CBD, gummies, etc.), sex, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, gambling, loans, and other “questionable” content.

You’re not clearly identifying yourself

If it’s unclear whom your messages are coming from, mobile carriers may filter out messages.

Therefore, it’s best to identify yourself in every message.

You’re not making opt-out instructions clear

The mobile carriers also prefer that you make opt-out instructions clear so that people know how to unsubscribe.

Your best option from a delivery standpoint is to include opt-out instructions in every single message you send (for example, "Text STOP to opt out").

You’re using too much “salesy” language

Message content that’s on the “salesy” side is more likely to be filtered.

So you want to avoid content that could come across as “salesy”—using all caps, dollar signs, or words like “free,” “buy now,” “shop,” and similar terms.

You’re texting landlines or invalid numbers

If the phone numbers on your list are landlines or are invalid, in many (though not all) cases you won’t be able to send them text messages.

You can remove your landlines and invalid phone numbers in the Mobile Text Alerts dashboard by filtering out those numbers and deleting them.

Your subscribers have opted out

If a subscriber has replied STOP to any of your messages, they will be automatically removed from your system and won’t be able to receive future messages.

If those recipients want to start receiving messages again, they’ll need to reply back RESUME or START.

Your subscribers are having connectivity issues

If your recipients are having connectivity issues on their device or with their wireless provider, the messages you send may not be delivered—although it’s possible they may be queued up and sent at a later time.

This issue is unfortunately out of your hands, so you may just have to try again later.

How are your SMS efforts?

How are your SMS efforts? Are you seeing good delivery for your messages?

Have you started sending SMS? If not, you can get started for free now.

Get a Free 14-Day Trial with Mobile Text Alerts

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